Saturday, November 7, 2009

She's a dancin...Queen

Kim has had Kyla try different things to find out what she is good at and what she likes. She has done basketball and soccer so far. Kim signed Kyla up for a dance class. Before Kyla could go, she had to do the important stuff like buy a cool outfit. Of course it had to be PINK!!!!But, there were many decisions to be made:

Plain pink or printed pink?
Pink with or without designs on it?
Pink with skirt attached or unattached?
Pink or white tights?

Finally the decision was made and the Perfect outfit was bought and so last Thursday, Kyla was on her way to her first dance class.

I think she will like dance, since Sydney and Katie both dance. Here are the 3 steps that she learned so far in order.

TADA!!! doesn't she look like a real ballerina????


  1. Just wanted to drop you a quick line to let you know I gave you an award over at my blog!
