Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kyla's first day at school

Today, Friday, August 21st, was a Very Special day!! It was Kyla's very 1st day of preschool!! She has been preparing for this day for awhile. She had lots of shopping to do and lots of school supplies to get. She gets to pack a lunch everyday and she will have lots of cool things to do at preschool. But first.....we ALL had to get our pictures taken with her.

Here she is..turning and giving us a wave!! She has her snazzy backpack on with matching lunchbag!! and new outfit!!!
Another wave from closer to the van!! LOL
Now, she is a Washington Wildcat!!

She's in line with the purple backpack and her teacher Mrs. Kitson has the green shirt on. She went in, no problem.After school was over, Mom treated her to a frosty. Kyla said she got to play dress up, and the teacher sang songs, but she didn't color, and she met a couple of girls. She had fun and said she will go back on Monday.

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