Tom came home about a month ago. This is what we did for him when he came home. Kyla and Kaleb made him some delicious cupcakes with sprinkles:
We made signs and hung them up across the window and the archway. We signed everyone's name on it and the kids drew some cute little pictures and added their special touches:Kyla was very sad when Tom left and she told her grandpa, "Remember how sad I was when Uncle Tom left? Well, I am just as excited that he is coming back home" She really missed him alot and ran and jumped into his arms when she saw him, She was one happy girl as you can see by this BIG smile!Kaleb was happy to see him too but contained it some. For the first couple days, they were all over him and Kaleb was always wanting to go downstairs and see Uncle Tom!!I am glad that he was able to go to Texas for the winter and Tyler got to spend time with Uncle Tom but we are glad that he is back. Now is back to working and getting in the groove again.
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